Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cash Gifting Success Untold

Cash Gifting is loosely defined as the willing giving and receiving of a gift between two people. And it is presently one of the most popular activities on the Internet today. It is also one of the most discussed. On one hand it is considered illegal and immoral. On the other it is considered a very real blessing, a Godsend.
It is common knowledge opinions are like noses, everyone has one. But when did people come up with the idea that just because they have an opinion about something, that it gave them the right to interfere with the actions of others. An agreement between two people is just that, an action between those two people. As long as it only affects the two people involved what difference does it make. Plain and simple. Why, then, is there all the discussion about cash gifting? Pros and Cons (no pun intended) considered, Cash Gifting is a most misunderstood subject.

The discussions as to the virtue or corruption of cash gifting as a whole center around the question of whether or not it is legal. To determine this, you must first decide whether or not cash gifting is an MLM or Ponzi scheme or not. Once you make your own conclusions, it is a simple matter of moving forward with your decision as to whether to Cash Gift or not.

On the other hand the opponents’ only argument seems to be that of whether or not the activity is legal. If one removes that argument prior to getting involved, as they should, then I wonder would they be able to present any other opinions as to why one should not participate in cash gifting. There are some that would suggest we need to intervene and stop this sort of thing; because unsuspecting people need protection. In the past these activities have been corrupt and have destroyed peoples’ lives. No argument there. But wouldn’t it be better to encourage everyone to do their own homework; to make sure they are getting involved with a reputable activity, allowing them to protect their own purse?

Proponents of Cash Gifting see it’s very real value. Not only in their financial picture, but also in the positive changes it brings about in everyone who becomes involved. Everyone who actively participates that is. Just like anything else, a participant must participate or nothing happens. One can not sit in the college parking lot and expect to obtain a college degree. Wouldn’t it be better to allow those who have found a reputable activity the opportunity to build their confidence in themselves and that which they believe in.

Shouldn’t we allow everyone the responsibility of making their own choices? Cash gifters do just that. They are not out there twisting your arm. They are not requiring your first born, or asking for anything for that matter. They are offering an activity capable of helping those who chose to use it to help themselves. And yes it does require the movement of money to make the activity work. But the bottom line, the gifter leaves the choice up to you. You must ultimately make the first contact and the final choice.

With all the controversy about cash gifting, why would anyone want to get involved? Because they have done their homework and have found something they believe will provide not only for themselves but for everyone they can reach out to and show the power of giving. Some will argue that it is all about the money. I agree. It is all about moving the money around. Our economy depends on the movement of money. With out the money moving, our economy would be dead.

But aside of the money issue, let’s for a moment consider what the activity itself is doing. The activity of giving, mentoring, building confidence and self-esteem. If you took the money out of the equation, and could accomplish all of this with out it, WOW, wouldn’t we all be better off? I can’t think of the last time anyone suggested we had enough of these qualities in our society and that we didn’t need any more of them.

With these tools everyone would be better able to take care of themselves rather than needing or expecting someone else to do it for them. Cash gifting is not a cure all to societies problems, but as the money moves around and the economy flows, isn’t everyone much better off?

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